
Our membership is young (40% under 40) and highly diverse, including in terms of nationalities, gender, and race. Many of us work in international development, but we also have members from other fields. Some members are based in DC, and others are from other locations in the United States as well as abroad.
Members can attend meetings in person or online.
We believe that all our members have something unique to contribute. If you would like to join our club, please feel free to contact us for more information.
Our membership dues are low to ensure that all those who want to join. The dues are a one-time payment of $100 upon joining and then $125 per period of six months, starting at the end of June for those joining in the first half of the year or the end of December for those joining in the second half of the year (i.e., $250 per year). As for any Rotary club, the club's Board may change dues in the future, in which case this will be reflected on this website.
If you would like to apply for membership in the club, please fill the online application form. Should you have any questions, please contact Membership Chair, Adrien Lopez at